Wednesday, September 24, 2008

KNU Statement on Recent SPDC Allegation regarding Explosion in Pegu Division

1. Recently, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) has attempted to blame the Karen National Union (KNU) for an explosion that took place in a video lounge in Kyaukkyi town, killing two people and injuring nine others, on the 11th September 2008.

2. We, the KNU, categorically deny involvement either in this or any other attacks against the Burmese people and reject all allegations by the SPDC against us. We do not condone the use of violence against the civilian population and remain steadfast in seeking a peaceful solution to the current political problems that have been plaguing the country.

3. Once again, the military regime is trying to hide its own failure to solve the political, economic and social problems of the country by trying to implicate the ethnic and political opposition forces in acts of terror.

4. We, the KNU, once again would like to urge the SPDC regime to concentrate its energies on solving the problems of the country and to enter into a meaningful tripartite dialogue with all the parties concerned. Only then can true peace and stability be brought to the country.

Central Executive Committee
Karen National Union
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